Translation, localization, languages, translation industry and markets

5 Steps To Take Before Expanding Your Business Internationally

Entering foreign markets is no easy feat. It comes with its own set of unique obstacles and challenges, from cultural differences to financial issues and everything in between. Before expanding your business internationally, you need to explore every aspect of a foreign country - law, taxes, regulations, economic, finance, marketing, culture, technological advancements, business etiquette, and many more. Even [...]

A Journey to the Hidden Reality of the Translation Profession

When you hear the word "translator," at least one of the following may come to mind: A translator is one you see on television whispering to the ears of presidents and entrepreneurs. Translation is a job anyone can do. If you speak more than one language, you can enter the translation arena. We no longer need translators; we have [...]

Human Translation VS Machine Translation

Translation has become a necessity in our everyday interactions and has become an integral part of global communication. With the advent of newer technology comes efficient alternatives to content localization and translation. A common debate is which service would you choose between human translation VS machine translation. In recent times, machine translation has become an increasingly popular method and [...]

2024-06-11T08:37:17+00:00February 25th, 2021|Translation & Localization|0 Comments

Top 10 In-Demand Language Pairs for Business: Part 2

Part 1 of this blog is here. English to Japanese Business Translation Given the popularity of Japanese culture, tradition, and media (through music, video games, light novels, manga, anime, etc.), the Japanese language or Nihongo has been in high demand in both the East and West for decades. As of today, there are more than 128 [...]

2024-09-16T10:02:03+00:00December 25th, 2020|Translation & Localization|0 Comments

Top 10 In-Demand Language Pairs for Business

Businesses planning to expand overseas are motivated by new revenue potential and higher ROI. Moreover, marketing your business in in-demand language pairs can indirectly provide a wider audience and increased sales. If you are planning to expand your business, you have to ask yourself essential questions. First, is your business is actually suited to succeed in international markets? New [...]

2024-09-16T10:06:20+00:00December 3rd, 2020|Translation & Localization|0 Comments

Big Brands’ International Marketing and Localization Mistakes

Some translation, marketing, or localization mistakes cost more than just losing revenue or market share. The failure can quickly go viral and negatively affect a brand’s image on a long-term scale. Besides, it can lead to disastrous scenarios such as customer boycotts, and you might have to forget about entering new valuable markets forever. Big companies and brands often [...]

2024-07-16T06:05:33+00:00November 17th, 2020|Translation & Localization|0 Comments

The Difference Between Translation And Localization

In the age of globalization and the internet, being able to communicate with various target audiences has become an integral part of businesses. Intensification of global interconnectedness through the ease of travel, social media, and other digital platforms has presented immense opportunities to small or huge organizations. Despite translation being almost as old as civilization itself, having been carried [...]

2024-06-11T08:39:22+00:00October 8th, 2020|Translation & Localization|0 Comments
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