Multilingual Customer Support and other BPO Services2022-12-09T11:02:39+00:00


Maintain rapport and keep long-term patrons of your products with our highly professional multilingual outsourced support team.

With more than ten years of experience, we help businesses stand out from the competition and thrive beyond borders.  

Multilingual customer support and BPO services

As an outsourcing multilingual customer support provider, we provide customers with resources in their native languages through effective multilingual communication.

We ensure fast, efficient, and reliable processing of customers’ requests with our versatile multilingual support operations.

The vast majority of international businesses sometimes struggle to meet the demands of having diverse customers and achieve personal and effective support. Customer service outsourcing solutions exist to improve customer care experience from different countries and cultures. Implementing an effective outsourcing multilingual customer service strategy will give businesses a significant boost and success. As a whole, BPO is a great opportunity for businesses to reduce costs, expand new markets, and add significant value to their companies.


Grow a global footprint with CCC International! Our multilingual support team offers you state-of-the-art communication infrastructure to give your business the international edge.

Speaking your customer’s language makes people choose your brand instead of your competitors. Moreover, it helps you provide a delightful experience to your customers when they reach out to you anytime, anywhere. 

In customer service, it’s essential to meet the demands of customer diversity, including different languages, time zones, and cultures. Thus, having multilingual providers can give your business an international advantage. We will maintain continuous and consistent communication with your clients, show accurate results, and provide a fast turnaround time.

Our professional customer email support team will be an effective asset to your business by undertaking the entire cycle for you. Additionally, our email and chat support representatives will provide easier communication to build a good business reputation for you within your community and your industry. You are guaranteed cost-effective email support outsourcing services in 30+ languages for various customer care activities.

But what makes us really special is that we implement a value-driven and customer-first approach. Best of all, it’s crucial for us to train our support specialists periodically. During training, they emulate specific customary best practices in the country they will be supporting.

We ensure the full extent of our multilingual capabilities—from multilingual email support to interpretation, audio-to-text transcription, and all sorts of business process outsourcing.

Ready to fine-tune your project? Let’s get started.


CCCI offers multilingual business process outsourcing (BPO) services such as:

  • chat and email support;
  • over-the-phone, and on-demand interpretation;
  • audio-to-text transcription;
  • timing, and video subtitling services, etc.

Here, we provide world-class customer service in multiple languages up to par with your company’s own values and expectations. The goal is to rid you of the linguistic barriers on your path to internationalization.

At CCC International, we believe that multilingual BPO services will help businesses expand horizons for new overseas opportunities and bring additional revenue, profit, and increase customer base.

On-demand interpreting services

Besides our general and specialized translation services, we provide interpretation services in roughly 30+ languages. In the realm of interpretation, precise communication is critical. On-demand over-the-phone interpretation is an ideal solution dedicated to building a long-lasting business partnership between you and your global clients or stakeholders. Our professionally-trained interpreters facilitate individual communication to transform linguistic barriers into powerful assets for any business. 

Audio-to-text transcription

Accurate and quick transcription of audio speech to text is no longer as unmanageable as it used to be, thanks to many reliable transcription software. Generally, audio-to-text transcription of all speech and relevant non-speech sound is not so simple. Depending on your needs or the needs of the end client, non-speech audio information (e.g. background music, sounds of objects) may be included in the transcription, which may complicate the process. Needless to say, a company that has solid experience will save you all the hassle and trouble. 

For comprehensive human transcription at scale using AI, consider contacting CCCI. We have experience in converting voice to text at least 2-3 times faster than other transcription companies.

Our working process is simple enough. Firstly, upload any audio or video file, and provide all the necessary information. Then, we will send your transcription on the requested due date. Afterward, you will review the transcription work we have done and let us know if you have any feedback.

Timing and video subtitling services

Along with transcription, we provide timing and video subtitling services to businesses from any industry. Video is one of the most versatile and profitable digital marketing tools. Consequently, this means you must also invest in having accurate, well-timed, and attractive subtitles to gain more views.

If you are looking for a trustworthy and efficient timing and video subtitling service provider, our team of multilingual specialists will be all you need.

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If you’re ready to reach new horizons, find new business opportunities, and increase revenue, send us your project with a description. We’ll get back to you ASAP with the best solution.


Our Philippine headquarters is ready to accommodate English, East Asian, and Southeast Asian languages, while our Armenia hub is handling European and Western Asian languages.

Aside from our human communication expertise, nonetheless, we also assist data processing for AI (artificial intelligence), especially transcription and timing services in all supported languages. We have partnered with major Japanese companies and provided corpus translations, as well as audio-to-text transcriptions for machine learning technologies. As a BPO company, we strive hard to bridge the gap between you and your business success. Tell us what you need, and we will help create solutions.

Native speakers in over 30 European and Asian languages exercise better control over the quality delivered. With a firm grasp on English and local languages, we can handle large volumes of traffic. Our dedicated staff of customer service representatives with excellent communication skills, a positive attitude, and a problem-solving mindset is ready for new challenges and projects internationally. Just give us a call or chat with us!

You can leverage decades of combined experience, insights, and premium multilingual teams when you work with CCCI. We will allow you to expand your scope, whether you are already a global company or a brand just making your way in the business world. Whether in Europe, Asia, the United States, or the Caucasus region, CCC International provides multilingual customer service and omnichannel BPO solutions in and for every country in the globe. 


How many European and Asian languages do you support?2021-02-11T13:31:44+00:00

We provide 30+ native language assistance to foreign language speaking customers.

What is the importance of multilingual support?2021-02-11T13:30:54+00:00

Multilingual support plays a vital role in industries that offer services or products globally or to specific foreign countries. Simply, you must speak your customers’ language if you want to gain their trust and loyalty. According to studies, 72.4% of consumers are more likely to buy a product with information in their own language.

Which type of multilingual customer support and BPO services do you offer?2021-02-11T13:29:54+00:00

Our team provides the following multilingual customer support services – email support, interpretation, audio-to-text transcription,  and other business process outsourcing (BPO) services.

What is interpretation?2021-02-11T13:29:16+00:00

Interpretation services help companies around the world to communicate with their clients.  Interpreters convert spoken words from one language to another in real-time.

From one-to-one conversations to meetings and conferences, CCCI offers a range of outsourcing interpreting services across the globe.

Which types of interpretation services do you offer?2021-02-11T13:28:25+00:00

Whether you have an on-site event, conference, online meeting, our professional, highly skilled interpreters will cover 30+ language interpretation. They are both linguistically superb and highly personable individuals providing an excellent combination of professionalism and approachability.

What is audio transcription?2021-02-11T13:27:41+00:00

Audio transcription is the conversion of audio to written text. We accept any audio file format in any of our supported languages and convert the content into the text to any output format you prefer. Speeches, interviews, big data—we will help you obtain full transcripts of important audio information you may have. We also accept timing and video subtitling services.

How much does transcription cost?2021-02-11T13:25:26+00:00

Our transcription services are priced based on audio hours and vary mainly depending on the language used and the quality of the audio file. Send us an inquiry to get a free customized estimate.

Which languages do you cover for email support?2021-02-11T13:24:47+00:00

Not only for multilingual email support but also for all of our services, we use our knowledge, skills, and expertise in thirty languages. Our email support team provides services to almost all countries of the world.

What is BPO?2021-02-11T13:24:08+00:00

BPO stands for business process outsourcing when business-related operations are handled by external service providers. As a highly versatile organization, we always try to find ways to help clients achieve their sales and marketing goals. Having bases in the Philippines, Armenia, Malaysia, and Japan has given us ample experience and know-how in establishing and expanding businesses internationally, as well as makes us flexible in terms of the services we can provide. If the service you are looking for is not on our menu, let us know anyway; we might still be able to find a way to help you.

What types of BPO services do you offer?2021-02-11T13:19:18+00:00

Our main specialization among BPO services is multilingual email support, call and chat support, interpretation, transcription, timing, and subtitling.


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