Game translation, Game localization, Video and mobile gaming

Video Game Market in Japan: Japanese Game Localization

Video Games will always be intrinsically identified with Japan for many people around the world. Sony and Nintendo, both Japanese game localization companies, have sold over 1 billion game systems globally. Japan's video game industry was valued at $19.2 billion in 2018, and the country is still a major exporter of video games to Europe and North America, thanks [...]

2024-06-11T08:33:34+00:00December 26th, 2021|Games|0 Comments

French Game Localization: Video Game Market in France

Far Cry, Prince of Persia, Assassin’s Creed, and a lot more. Gamers can’t miss these titles. Do you know where these popular games originated? Yes, they are some of the best French video games of all time! The success of these games was made possible by French game localization, penetrating other markets across the world through the years. The [...]

2022-05-04T11:15:13+00:00December 19th, 2021|Games|0 Comments

Arabic Video Game Customer Support: How To Get It Right

The Arab world is becoming increasingly an attractive place for gamers, game developers, and producers. With over 100 million PC gamers in the MENA region, the gaming industry is booming among young Arabs. This leads to the importance of Arabic video game customer support. Gaming support for MENA is one of the least developed services due to several social [...]

2022-02-25T12:11:18+00:00December 17th, 2021|Games|0 Comments

Korean Game Localization: Game Market in South Korea

Magna Carta: Tears of Blood in 2001, Pangya Fantasy Globe in 2004, and the Ragnarok Series in 2008–South Korea has never stopped developing games that reach the rest of the world. In 2020, the country’s gaming culture went through a drastic change due to the pandemic. Mobile and console games consumption increased as more people stayed at home. Now, [...]

2022-02-03T09:19:37+00:00December 15th, 2021|Games|0 Comments

Your Guide to Chinese Game Localization

Genshin Impact, Mobile Legends: Bang Bang, Call of Duty, and a lot more. These are just some of the biggest games developed in China. Yes, these games are what you are currently playing with other players across the globe! China’s influence on different industries worldwide includes gaming. Many of the current top computer and mobile games were developed in [...]

2022-11-25T16:13:27+00:00December 13th, 2021|Games|0 Comments

Gaming Market in Russia & Russian Game Localization

The humongous but complex Russian market The Russian video game market is famous for being one of the biggest gaming markets in Europe, if not the biggest, with over 65.2 million players nationwide. It faces, however, one of the biggest and most vexing problems for Russian game localization: piracy. Nonetheless, that still has not prevented the gaming industry [...]

2024-07-31T14:09:31+00:00December 11th, 2021|Games|0 Comments

Spanish Game Localization: Which Spanish Variant to Choose

The Spanish game market by definition refers to the games that are made, published, or localized into the countries where people speak Spanish as an official language. In Particular, We are talking about Latin America and Spain. For that matter, we can see two opposite pictures of the market. In Spain, we see a flourishing industry, especially in Barcelona. [...]

2024-06-11T08:34:24+00:00November 12th, 2021|Games|0 Comments

Arabic Video Game Culture in the Middle East

A brief description of the Middle East’s video game culture Arabic video game culture is highly influenced and dominated by '80s cartoons and anime such as: "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles," "Nu, pogodi!" "Captain Tsubasa," when they were first translated to Arabic and localized to fit the rich and diverse Arabic video game culture. It is understandable if [...]

2024-09-16T07:07:49+00:00October 27th, 2021|Games|0 Comments

Australian Video Game Localization: Game Industry

As of 2017, Australia's video gaming localization business was worth $2.96 billion, including both traditional retail and internet sales. According to a 2017 poll, 928 persons worked in game development in Australia. Australian game developers made around $118.5 million in income in fiscal year 2016–17, with eighty percent of that coming from overseas sales.  EB Games, JB Hi-Fi, Gametraders, [...]

2021-10-18T10:01:39+00:00October 15th, 2021|Games|0 Comments

Video Game Industry During COVID-19 Pandemic

Covid-19’s impact on the gaming industry COVID-19 has had a significant impact on every business in the globe, including gaming. As the world hunkered down, gaming exploded as people sought ways to pass the time while the physical movement was restricted. Despite the fact that gaming consumption has increased, we wanted to look at the statistics to see [...]

2022-04-08T11:18:51+00:00October 4th, 2021|Games|0 Comments
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