Game translation, Game localization, Video and mobile gaming

Game industry in Italy: Italian Game Localization

Video games are played across the globe, from Paris to Tokyo to New York City, and are developed on all five continents. Many countries get massive revenue from developing and creating games, but Italy has one notable exception. Why are there not many games produced in Italy? In the following blog, we will be talking about the game industry [...]

2024-06-11T08:32:25+00:00May 4th, 2022|Games|0 Comments

Game Testing Services: Localization Quality Assurance (LQA)

Key takeaways: The challenges of introducing your game to the international market do not end in translation and localization. Game testing services ensure that games are completely ready for the international market. Localization quality assurance covers three integral parts: Linguistic, visual, and functional. Game creators and developers aiming to reach a wider audience must also invest in game quality [...]

2024-06-11T08:32:26+00:00April 8th, 2022|Games|0 Comments

Top 10 Video Game Publishers in MENA Market

This blog will discuss the market of video game publishers in MENA. in the beginning, there will be a discussion about the MENA gaming market. We will highlight the difference between game publishers VS game developers. We will list a few relatively renowned video game publishers in MENA.  At the end of the blog, we will highlight the importance [...]

2023-06-08T13:19:04+00:00February 25th, 2022|Games|0 Comments

UAE Game Market: Game Localization in Dubai

This blog will discuss the localization sphere in the Arab world, particularly in the UAE. Moreover, there will be a discussion about the mobile and video game market in Dubai. Meanwhile, the blog will mention the developing market of game localization in Dubai, and several remarks about the gaming industry in the UAE. At the end of the blog, [...]

2022-12-01T12:40:07+00:00February 8th, 2022|Games|0 Comments

Top Game Development Companies in UAE

This blog will take heed of the international game companies that want to develop Video games localization into Arabic, and have an expansion in the UAE or the Arab world. Meanwhile, the blog will mention game development companies in UAE, and several remarks about the gaming industry in the UAE. At the end of the blog, we will highlight [...]

2022-02-25T12:18:36+00:00January 31st, 2022|Games|0 Comments

Expand Your Mobile Game Into MENA: Localize Games Into Arabic

Key takeaways: Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), and Egypt had a game revenue of USD 1.76 billion in 2021. Gamers from the three Arabic-speaking markets reached 65.32 million in 2021. Saudi Arabia had the largest revenue in the Middle East and North Africa region in January 2021. The mobile gaming industry in the Middle East represents 23% [...]

2023-11-30T08:44:14+00:00January 17th, 2022|Games|0 Comments

English to Arabic Translations of Games and Media

These days, it's easy for us to play a great deal of games on different platforms, such as on mobiles, computers, online, and social media where millions are easily accessible. One of the entertainments for players is to get a game developed specifically for them by cultural context. Therefore, if you're producing your game in your language or culture [...]

2024-06-11T08:33:33+00:00January 5th, 2022|Games|0 Comments
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