Game Translation and Localization2023-08-17T08:13:15+00:00


Quality game localization is a big step towards your success in the international gaming industry. Here at CCCI, we provide desktop, mobile, browser, and console games localization in 30+ languages around the US, Europe, and Asia.

Working with top Japanese game companies for over a decade has allowed us to hone our skills in game localization. Along with our manga translation services, Mobile and PC games translation has become another of our specialties in the field of translation. It’s a service separate from general and specialized translations. 

ゲームサポート Game Translation and Localization

Our team of content creators and game experts also collaborate in-game writing projects – one of our newest services. This combination of language and literature expertise, as well as game design knowledge, allows us to generate narratives for game publishers and creators to build upon.

Game localization does not only require linguistic proficiency, but also storytelling skills. This is work that wholly requires human touch: not a word-for-word translation, but a retelling of a story in a different language, culture, and belief system with the game mechanics and dynamics in mind, something that machine translation and non-specialized translators would not be capable of doing.

Choose only the best for your game localization project. At CCCI, as a professional game localization and translation agency, we will help you to transmit the necessary information to the player and optimize the gamer user experience in no time.

Each member of our game localization team is passionate about getting the best possible result for every game project with a modernized approach.

Our game localization process has three main stages. Firstly, we check all information provided by our client such as artworks, videos, details on characters and scenery, brief summary of the plot, descriptive texts, etc. Secondly, after checking the project files, we start the game translation and localization process. Thirdly, our native proofreaders and quality checkers ensure that the project is subjected to detailed quality control.


game translation and localization

Professional team

CCCI has an expert team of game localization specialists and native-speakers who are thrilled to create a captivating experience in 30+ languages for game players around the globe.

game translation and localization

Game quality assurance

CCCI offers quality assurance for games or localization testing which assures that the localized and translated releases are smooth and consistent with the original version.

game translation and localization. ゲーム専門翻訳

10+ years of gaming experience

We’ve worked with numerous game publishers, developers, and large companies for more than a decade to reach their full potential by localizing various game projects.

game translation and localization ゲーム専門翻訳

Full pack of gaming services

From game content and scriptwriting, professional video game voice-over, game translation, localization, up to multilingual in-game support, we provide various services to cater to your needs while focusing on quality and committing to prompt delivery.


What is the heart of localization? The answer is simple: translation. Game content translation is more than providing quality and accurate language services. It also includes effective communication to allow optimum reach and deliver the results you need.

Are you a domestic game developer, large game publisher, or a gaming firm planning to expand globally? Do you produce a PC, console, or mobile video game? Are you an indie game, RPG, or AAA game publisher? Which type of video games do you develop – action, adventure, educational, simulation, or sports games? Are you an augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) apps and games development company using the latest game devices?

The key to our success is rigorous proofreading and quality control. This way, our professional game translators, who are game fans themselves, ensure consistency with the original game version.

Check our blogs about French game localization and market overview, Spanish game localization and which variant of Spanish to choose, guide to Chinese game localization, and 2022 translation and localization trends.

Curious about starting your game translation and localization with CCCI?


We strive to be a first-rate game localization and translation company. Thus, in addition to video game localization and translation, our game localization team with rich experience also provides the following services:

  • Game writing projects (creation of game scripts and content)

  • General and specialized translation of documents, websites, marketing materials, business manuals, etc.

  • Localization of all media and various types of text in each target language including packaging, graphics, subtitles, etc.

  • Video game voice-over services

Our native linguists with decades of specialized gaming expertise are ready to take on the challenge of addressing all sorts of needs in your project.

Collaboration is key. Our project managers will always be on call during the whole process of collaboration. We endeavor to cover all your game localization and translation needs by providing desired quality results with consistency and by meeting the deadlines. 



Due to the rapid growth of the video game industry, game translation and localization are predicted to have high customer demand for a long time. Undoubtedly, multilingual support for the mobile and computer video gaming industry improves a player’s overall gaming experience.

Today, the global mobile and PC video game marketplace is broad enough to consider the vast majority of gamers as savvy internet dwellers. Consequently, it has become more than essential to be rigorous and conscientious when adopting and localizing a video game to reach and build trust with your target audience. Before starting your gaming journey, be mindful of choosing the most target languages for internationalization.

Winning gamers’ hearts is not an arduous task when you provide perfect translation and localization of game content and continuous support in their native language. Our multilingual customer support team with advanced gaming and language skills will be a great addition to your projects.

Connect with game players worldwide in 30+ languages. Whether you need Japanese game translation, German game localization, or Arabic in-game customer support, you can entrust them to us. Expand to foreign new markets by speaking the language of each local audience.

With over 10 years of experience, we are proud to offer professional game localization, translation, and customer support services. They are arguably one of the most impactful factors in the gaming industry. Thanks to our specialists’ extensive expertise in multilingual translation fields, we also successfully overcome game troubleshooting questions, inquiries about game content, and many other important issues.

Broaden your audience with the right international game localization and in-game customer support providing company. Plan your expansion strategies for 2021. Stay relevant in the international gaming stage, and book your game localization and translation project now.

Interested to know more about CCCI’s in-game support experience?


What does localization mean in games?2021-03-15T12:14:54+00:00

Localizing a video game means retelling a game story in a different language and culture. Mobile and PC game localization involves translating both in-game dialogue and technical parts. A localization agency must take into account essential points like the game’s source and target language, cultural similarities and differences between the languages, genre, industry audience, and many more. After localization, localization testing often follows.

What’s your process of translating and localizing a video game?2021-03-15T12:14:51+00:00

Our mobile, PC, browser and console game localization process is as follows: 

  1. You send us details of the game to understand the gameplay: a soft copy of all texts to be translated, videos, other materials necessary. We check all information including word count, the plot of the game, genre, characters, etc. to assess the volume and difficulty of the localization. (Note that a Non Disclosure Agreement can be prepared prior to sharing the above information.)
  2. After checking the project files and discussing the expected delivery date and format, we calculate the price and send you a custom offer. 
  3. After approving the game project offer, we start the translation and localization process.
  4. Our native proofreaders and quality checkers ensure that the project is subjected to detailed quality control.
  5. Output is submitted in the format requested and payment is made. Any reasonable request for minor revisions can be made even after payment.
What type of games do you translate and localize?2021-03-15T11:44:36+00:00

We offer game localization and translation services for PC, mobile, browser, or console games across all genres.

How much does it cost to localize a game?2021-03-15T11:49:02+00:00

Localization costs vary greatly depending on the volume of the text (determined by the length or complexity of the game), source and target language, and genre and content of the game. Send us materials of your game, and we will provide you with a customized, formal quotation. 

What are the best languages for game globalization?2021-03-15T11:48:35+00:00

To expand your market, you need to understand the trends in the game industry. The most asked-to-translate languages in the gaming industry are Japanese to English, Chinese and Korean to English, and English to German. Aside from this, for internationalization in general, it is worthy to note that Spanish, French, Russian, Italian, Portuguese, and Vietnamese are among the most widely spoken languages in the world.

Do you provide customer support for gamers?2021-03-15T11:48:25+00:00

Besides PC, console, browser, and mobile game translation and localization, we offer publishers and developers multilingual customer support for games. Customer service in the gaming industry includes answering game-related questions, inquiries about game content, navigation, etc. Primarily, it helps to ensure the best gaming experience for players. Setting up a multilingual customer support team for your game is crucial for player satisfaction and, most importantly, retention. 

How long does it take to localize a game?2021-03-15T11:48:17+00:00

The timeline for localization varies depending on the volume of the project. Most of our major one-time projects have a one-month timeline, but we can only assess the applicability of this timeline or the feasibility of your requested deadline upon checking the materials and details of the project. Nonetheless, having Quality First in terms of output and time as our core value, we always ensure to meet our partners’ expectations.

What languages do you cover for video games?2021-03-15T11:47:19+00:00

Both for quality translation and localization and outstanding in-game customer support, it is necessary to have a solid knowledge of multiple languages. At CCCI, we cover more than 30 European and Asian languages across the globe. Check the list here.

Are you writing games projects?2021-03-15T11:46:29+00:00

Sure! One of our newest services is game writing. As an international game localization and multilingual customer support provider for over 10 years, we have thorough game design knowledge and language expertise. This, along with our creative writers who themselves have a background in game engines, has allowed us to build this new service and produce narrative games ourselves.

What is game localization testing?2021-03-15T11:42:57+00:00

Game localization testing or quality assurance is the next step after translating your game. Testing ensures that there are no linguistic, cultural, or functional issues in the game translated. Our localization testing service is a supplementary service to our game localization. We also offer this service for your already-translated games.


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