Japanese manga is an umbrella term for a wide variety of comic books and graphic novels originally produced and published in Japan.

Manga in France

French, the language of the art and culture capital of the world In recent years, the demand for and popularity of the French language has increased. Experts predict that by 2060, there will be 767 million French speakers in the world. This article will zoom in on the importance of translating and localizing projects into the French language, [...]

2024-09-16T09:51:28+00:00March 16th, 2021|Manga and Comics|0 Comments

Best Manga with Translation of All Time

There are many comics published across the globe every day, and you probably have come across several Japanese comics, also called manga. The term generally pertains to comic series produced and released in Japan. Other countries, especially Algeria, Taiwan, and Hong Kong, have released original comics which are heavily influenced by the manga style. Oldest semblances of manga date [...]

2022-07-29T13:00:36+00:00February 16th, 2021|Manga and Comics|0 Comments

The Art of Comics, Manga, and Anime

Comics, manga, and anime are three of the most popular art forms in the contemporary world. In this article, we will try to explore their origins and definitions, as well as try to differentiate them from one another as interrelated as they may be. We will also look into how they have developed commercially amid globalization and the dawn [...]

2024-07-16T06:25:57+00:00November 2nd, 2020|Manga and Comics|0 Comments
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