Better way to avoid international marketing and translation mistakes is by knowing more about them through these famous brands’ unfortunate mishaps.

Lost In Translation: 7 Funny Translation Fails

Have you ever thought of translation as an easy skill to acquire? That is, you just need to know English and one more language? Let us explain why it’s not as simple as many people think. You don’t just become a translator after a few days of experience. Moreover, the fact that you speak two languages doesn’t automatically make [...]

2024-07-16T06:29:38+00:00August 24th, 2021|Translation & Localization|0 Comments

Big Brands’ International Marketing and Localization Mistakes

Some translation, marketing, or localization mistakes cost more than just losing revenue or market share. The failure can quickly go viral and negatively affect a brand’s image on a long-term scale. Besides, it can lead to disastrous scenarios such as customer boycotts, and you might have to forget about entering new valuable markets forever. Big companies and brands often [...]

2024-07-16T06:05:33+00:00November 17th, 2020|Translation & Localization|0 Comments
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