Tools and Technologies for Professional Video Game Localization

Professional video game localization has emerged as a critical factor in game development, with more people having access to digital devices. In the ever-evolving digital landscape where anywhere is a good place and anytime is a good time for a game, every game developer and video game localizer must know the latest localization tools and technologies to provide high-quality games that resonate with a global audience.

At CCC International, your go-to game localization agency, we know everything that makes game localization services successful.

Key Takeaways:

  • The professional video game localization global market value is expected to reach multimillion US dollars by 2030.
  • Game localization services leverage various translation and localization tools and technologies to bring games to a global market.
  • The game localization agency you trust can make or break your localized game’s success in international markets.

Table of Contents:

  • The Professional Video Game Localization Market
  • Tools and Technologies Video Game Localization Companies Use
  • Tips to Choose the Best Localization Tools and Technologies
  • CCCI – Video Game Translation and Localization Services Provider

The Professional Video Game Localization Market

Experts projected significant growth in the global market for professional video game localization from 2023 to 2030, with a value reaching multimillion US dollars. The escalating global demand for PC, mobile, and controller games directly influenced the industry’s growth, underscoring the importance of robust game text, audio, and other localization services. With North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, South America, the Middle East, and Africa as regions leading the market, German game localization and other languages are in high demand.

Tools and Technologies Video Game Localization Companies Use

Advanced resources are pivotal in an industry where delivering superior quality games that gamers worldwide can enjoy is a must. Here are the cutting-edge tools and technologies that you can use for French translation, German game localization and other languages:

Computer-Assisted Translation (CAT) Tools

Computer-assisted translation (CAT) tools are advanced software solutions that break down the source text into manageable segments and store each translated unit in a database called “Translation Memory,” or TM. CAT tools allow a video game localizer to reapply translations when identical or similar text appears, promoting consistency across the game. Two of the leading CAT tools in the market are SDL Trados and Smartcat.

Translation and Localization Management Tools

Besides translation tools, game localization companies can also leverage translation and localization management tools. These software streamline game localization processes by automating tasks and facilitating efficient collaboration between translators, editors, and project managers, simultaneously handling multiple language versions of documents. This tool can also manage workflow, track progress, and ensure consistency in terminology and style.

memoQ is one such tool; for exporting, converting, and transferring files for translation, String Extraction and Resource Generation Engine (SERGE) is another excellent solution.

QA Checking and Testing Technologies

Quality Assurance (QA) checking and testing technologies identify and rectify errors in the translation, inconsistencies, cultural inaccuracies, and other issues that might affect the gaming experience negatively. QA checking involves manually reviewing the game’s localized content while testing technologies simulate the user experience to identify potential problems. Popular QA checking tools are Xbench, Verifika, and ServiceNow.

Note: Human proofreading is still necessary; no tool can replace a professional’s quality work. Game localization agencies can only rely on these tools and technologies to assist in the process and optimize efficiency.

NMT Technology

Neural Machine Translation (NMT) technology leverages artificial neural networks that emulate human brain processes. This technology anticipates word sequences and models them to generate translated sentences. Currently, this application is too complex and expensive for video game localization. However, its rapidly evolving capabilities make it a game changer in the near future.

User Support Tools

Of course, we can never neglect game customer support. A game’s success also depends on how well the gamers interact with the localized version, and the user support tools make this possible. User support tools like HelpDesk provide automated technologies that index tickets and users, monitor open issues, and record time-sensitive actions for escalation. These tools empower gamers to have their issues resolved quickly and efficiently, creating a positive gaming experience.

Tips to Choose the Best Localization Tools and Technologies

Choosing the right translation and localization tools and technologies among the many available options can be overwhelming. Here are a few tips to help you navigate this selection process:

  • Consider Your Project’s Specific Needs: Not all games are the same, and localization tools vary in capabilities and suitability. Evaluate your project’s needs and choose the best technologies that will support them.
  • Guarantee High Translation and Localization Quality: Invest in tools that leverage advanced technologies for accurate and contextually appropriate translations.

Pro Tip: Never remove human translators and editors from the equation. Machine translations can only do so much, so human touch is still necessary to truly understand and convey your game’s message.

  • Look for Seamless Integration: If you already have existing systems for your game processes, consider tools and technologies that effortlessly integrate with them.
  • Prioritize User Support: Select user support tools that help you resolve issues efficiently, regardless of the gamers’ languages, to contribute to your localized game’s success.
  • Consider Scalability: Your localization needs may also expand as your business grows. Choose tools and technologies that can scale with your growth.

CCCI – Video Game Translation and Localization Services Provider

Trusting a game localization company to handle the translation and adaptation of your game can make or break your success in international markets.

At CCC International, we work with game companies to provide high-quality and culturally relevant localized games to a global audience. We deliver game translation and localization services with our team of experienced professionals with the same passion for gaming as you. CCCI guarantees you the following and more:

  • Extensive experience in the gaming industry
  • Multi-language support
  • Knowledge of the latest translation and localization tools and technologies
  • Quality assurance and testing services
  • Competitive pricing models

Don’t let language barriers limit your game’s reach. Partner with us and take advantage of our professional video game localization services to bring your game to a global market. Contact us today!

Published On: January 31st, 2024

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